Careers in Wildlife & Fisheries

Popular careers for Wildlife and Fisheries Majors
A career in the wildlife and fisheries field is a very rewarding and interesting path but you must be ready to keep your goals in sight. You will need to work hard to acquire the knowledge and skills that will make you a strong competitor for these positions. Some of career choices in this field have additional education requirements, so you will want to prepare early. Below is a list of popular careers for those majoring in Wildlife and Fisheries. You will also want to learn more about the many Tribal, Federal, State, and Local Governments, Non-profits, and others that are involved in conservation, management and research of fish, wildlife and their habitats.
Fish and Game Warden/Conservation Officer:(Requires additional law enforcement training) Enforces fish and wildlife laws and regulations to maintain populations at desired levels.
Wildlife, Fisheries, Conservation, Biological, and Laboratory Technicians/Aides: Perform a variety of tasks to assist with management and conservation projects, often collect data on fish, wildlife and their habitats to meet research and management objectives.
Fish Culturists/Aquaculturists: Collect eggs, care and maintain fish at all phases of fish hatchery rearing and spawning, transit and distribution to new environments for release.
Fish, Wildlife and Environmental Consultants: Evaluate populations, communities and ecosystems to determine environmental impacts from proposed actions.
Wildlife and Fisheries Biologists: (typically a M.S. degree and/or experience requirements) Use scientific principles to research fish, wildlife and habitats increase knowledge and formulate sound solutions to wildlife and fisheries conservation problems and needs.
Wildlife, Fisheries, Habitat and Refuge Managers: (typically a M.S. degree and/or experience requirements): Use scientific principles to manage fish and wildlife populations and their habitats, and to solve wildlife and fisheries conservation problems and needs.
Fish and Wildlife Administrator
Wildlife and Fisheries Education and Outreach Specialists: Educate the public about fish, wildlife and plant species and conservation issues.
High School and College Educators (usually additional education requirements): Teach high school and university students about biology, management and conservation.
Some Other Career Possibilities: Endangered Species Biologist, Ecologist, Zoologist, Conservationist, Botanist, Range Manager, Science Writer, Research Assistant
For more information:
The Wildlife Society jobs
The American Fisheries Society jobs
Native American Fish and Wildlife Society
Federal Jobs:
State Jobs: