Introduction to Wetland Plant Identification
- This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of species identification, wetland plant families, and dominant communities within differing wetland environments.
- The workshop will be conducted by botanists Peter Lesica and Pete Husby, authors of the Field Guide to MT’s Wetland Vascular Plants. Morning will be in the classroom using the guide to identify common wetland grasses, sedges, rushes, and broad-leaved species. The afternoon will be spent in the field discussing different wetland habitats and practicing plant identification skills.
- This opportunity is provided by the Climate Learning Hub at Salish Kootenai College and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Wetlands Conservation Program.
- Location: Room 104 of the Beaverhead Building (PQLAW) at Salish Kootenai Colege, Pablo MT
- When: August 28th 2024, coffee and breakfast at 8:00, workshop runs 8:30 tp 5:00, lunch included
- This workshop if free but participants must register. For questions or to sign up please email: